Homam's Mind

Monday, May 25, 2009

JQuery Auto Ellipsis Plugin

It is one of my most favorite JQuery plugins I coded for Dig and Win. As Dig and Win is a AJAX game, we have developed many JavaScript snippets including JQuery plugins and controls and behaviors for Microsoft AJAX Framework. And I had much fun working on JavaScript, honestly I didn't know how powerful and how interesting this language is before working on the Dig and Win game. Check out Auto Ellipsis in my homepage or its JQuery page.


Flyingteddy said...

Doesnt work for me, the var 'element' fails with offsetWidth and Height so ends up only showing the ...

Ross said...

I've actually rolled my own plugin for jQuery which supports multiple line ellipsis and as well as other features :) https://github.com/rmorse/AutoEllipsis